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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Nutrition and physical activity are the main strategies to improve metabolic health
among individuals who are obese. However, nutrition (e.g. energy intake reduction)
and physical activity are often considered independently rather than interactively;
hence, these strategies are not always effective. The purpose of this thesis was to
investigate how nutrition and physical activity interact to influence metabolic relevant
factors in obesity. In a first study it was observed, in a group of obese or
overweight/centrally obese men, that an acute bout of aerobic exercise performed
in the overnight-fasted state substantially increased whole-body exercise fat
oxidation and Type I fibre intramyocellular triacylglycerol (IMTG) utilisation as
compared to exercise performed in the fed state. In a second study, it was
demonstrated that, like men, obese or overweight/centrally obese women
responded to overnight-fasted vs. fed state exercise by considerably increased
whole-body fat oxidation during exercise. Additionally, consuming breakfast after
exercise as compared to before exercise suppressed appetite sensations and
decreased subsequent energy intake at a later ad libitum style lunch. Comparisons
between the men and women provided initial evidence that the magnitude of change
in substrate utilisation with pre-exercise feeding was greater in women as compared
to men. In a final study, a sex-difference in the response to feeding was confirmed,
with women exhibiting an earlier metabolic response to glucose feeding and quicker
return to baseline than men. In conclusion, the findings from this thesis have
developed new insights in the understanding of the impact of feeding on substrate
utilisation during exercise and the influences of biological sex on metabolic
responses to feeding. This understanding may have practical implications on current
practice, for example in terms of guiding future experimental research whereby sexdifferences
should be accounted in the metabolic research. The findings also can
be applied in promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours and informing public health
policy. |
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