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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
In this work, the elastic moduli of silica based borotellurite glass system with compositional formula; [(TeO2)0.7 (B2O3)0.3]1-x (SiO2)x with x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 was studied using theoretical models. Makishima and Mackenzie, bond compression, Rocherulle, and ring deformation models were employed in the calculation of the elastic moduli, Poisson ratio, packing density, dissociation energy, cross-link density, average stretching force constant and the glass network ring size of the studied glasses. The values of the elastic moduli obtained from the Makishima and Mackenzie model were found to be lower than those obtained from the Rocherulle model and the value from the bond compression model was reported to be highest among the three models. In all the models, the elastic moduli increased with an increase in the concentration of silica in the glass composition. Therefore, it satisfied the original intention of improving mechanical strength to achieve high Young modulus which is considered in glasses fiber drawing/ manufacturing. |
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