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Type :article
Subject :LB2300 Higher Education
Main Author :Gonzales, Nancy Ann P.
Title :21st century skills in higher education: teaching and learning at Ifugao State University, Philippines
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2020
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The study ascertained the profile of students and faculty members and the level of their critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and innovation, self-direction, global connections, local connections skills, and use of technology as a tool for learning. It also determined the significant difference among the 21st century skills and the dimensions, profile and the respondents. It also determined if a significant relationship exists between the levels of the 21st century skills among students, faculty members, and administrators. Survey through a questionnaire was used to gather data. Stratified sampling technique was applied in determining the 539 students, 125 faculty members, and 35 administrator respondents in the study. Frequency count and percentage were employed to find out the profile of students, faculty members and administrators. Mean rating was used to determine their level of 21st century skills. Results revealed that most of the student respondents are females, enrolled in the education, information technology and agricultural technology programs. Majority of the faculty members and administrators are females, in their middle adulthood stage and taught for more than six years. Results further indicated that the students, faculty members and administrators had a very good level of 21st century skills. Significant differences were noted between the 21st century skills of students by courses/programs and campuses. Significant differences were also recognized among faculty members between their 21st century skills and age. There is no significant relationship between the level of 21st century skills of students, faculty members, and administrators. The findings imply that there is a need to adopt more programs and activities in order to improve the 21st century skills among the students and faculty members. This can be done by upgrading the information technology systems of the University. Strengthening and reactivating global and local connections is also deemed necessary. These can be realized by increasing student and faculty mobility, use of blended learning approach in both the graduate and undergraduate levels, international partnerships, and reaching out to the local communities through projects among others  


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