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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research is aimed to produce a guideline for an effective user interface for
semantic application particularly educational. This is important in terms of
information retrieval of semantic web application. Early study indicates that i-RPH, a lesson plan
semantic application has less attractive interface which undeniably demotivated the
teachers to use it. In order to develop the guidelines, a methodology of four phases; analysis,
design, development and evaluation has been applied. Qualitative approach had been used
in order to develop a guideline by using instrument checklist and interview questions
with the experts in system design. A semantic application has been develop using the
proposed guideline. The semantic application was evaluated using qualitative approach
based on heuristic evaluation instrument involving a sample of ten teachers of secondary level.
The user acceptance for this system was compared with a prior system i-RPH which has been developed
without a semantic user interface guideline. The result shows that the system developed
by the semantic user interface guideline has higher acceptance than the system without
the guideline. Seven of ten teachers agreed that the most important principle in user
interface design is effectiveness specifically the simplicity, aesthetic and minimalist design.
Moreover, suggestion for future research entails the use of enhanced user interface lesson
plan design using semantic application, specifically in terms of emotions, so that it could be
integrated in the usability features. It is expected that with the proposed user interface design
will serve as a guideline to the developers
ffective user interface design precisely for educational purposes. |
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