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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of learning programming using robot- based
learning (RBL) approach on students’ academic performance and motivation. The study used a
quasi-experimental research design involving a control group and a treatment group, each consisting
of 20 students. Learning in both groups was carried out for a month, during which data were
collected through programming tests and Course Interest Survey (CIS). Data were analyzed using
the ANOVA and the Kruskal- Wallis H-test. The F-test revealed that the difference in the mean
scores of academic performance between the treatment group (mean=19.55) and control
group (mean=23.45) was not significant (F (1,38) =0.730, p=.398). Likewise, the Kruskal- Wallis
H-test, which was performed on four motivational factors, showed that the difference in
the mean scores of the attention factor between the treatment group (mean=18.93) and
control group (mean=21.13) was not significant (x²(1) =.368, p=.544). The relevance factor
also did not show any significant difference between the treatment group (mean=18.93) and control
group (mean=21.13), with a significance of (x²(1) =2.854, p=.091). The confidence factor showed no
significant difference (x²(1)
=.244, p=.622) between the treatment group (mean=20.88) and the control group
(mean=19.08). The satisfaction factor also showed no significant difference (x²(1)
=.156, p=.693) between the treatment group (mean=19.30) and the control group
(mean=20.74). In conclusion, these findings suggest that learning using the RBL approach
is as effective as using the conventional approach. Nonetheless, evidence from classroom
observations showed that students who used the RBL approach were more active than their
counterparts who used the conventional approach. The study implies that RBL app programming in
a more active learning environment.
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