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Type :thesis
Subject :QC Physics
Main Author :Natasa Mohd Shakri
Title :Analysis of essential oils and phytochemicals from selected annonaceae and cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitory activity
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The  aims  of  this  study  were  to  analyse  the  essential  oils,  phytochemistry  and cyclooxygenase-2  inhibitory activity of  selected  species  of  the  genus  Polyalthia  (P.  stenopetalla,  P.  sumatrana,  P.  cauliflora  and  P.  rumphii),  Xylopia  (X.  magna,  X.  ferruginea   and   X.   frutescens)   and   Goniothalamus   (G.   macrophyllus   and   G.  malayanus)   from   Annonaceae   family.   The   essential   oils   were   obtained   via  hydrodistillation technique and their chemical compositions were determined by gas chromatography   (GC-FID)  and  gas  chromatography-mass  spectrometry  (GC-MS). The   phytochemicals   were    obtained   using   chromatography   techniques   and   their structures were confirmed by  spectroscopic data and comparison with literatures. The bioactivity of the essential oils and  extracts was investigated using cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitory activity. The study showed the  essential oils of P. sumatrana, P. stenopetalla,  P.  cauliflora  and  P.  rumphii  were  made  up   of  bicyclogermacrene (18.8%),   α-cadinol   (13.0%),   δ-elemene   (38.1%)   and   germacrene   D    (33.3%), respectively.   The   major   components   of   essential   oil   from   X.   frutescens    was bicyclogermacrene  (22.8%),  whereas  X.  magna  gave  germacrene  D  (35.9%)  and  X.  ferruginea was dominated by bicyclogermacrene (23.6%). As for  G. malayanus and G.  macrophyllus,  the  essential  oils  consisted  mainly  of  bicyclogermacrene  (43.9%) and   germacrene  D  (25.1%),  respectively.  The  dichloromethane  and  methanol  leaf extracts    of     P.    rumphii    yielded    seven    phytochemicals    identified    as    5,7- dimethoxyflavone,      4?,5,7-trimethoxyflavone,     5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone,     4?- hydroxy-5,7-dimethoxyflavone,  β-sitosterol, lupeol and taraxerol. The essential oil of G. macrophyllus and methanolic extracts of X. magna and X. frutescens displayed the best results in  COX-2 inhibitory activity with percentage of 18.6%, 13.8% and 21.9%, respectively. In conclusion,  the composition of the essential oils from nine species of Annonaceae  family  have  shown  that   sesquiterpene  hydrocarbons  as  their  major components,  meanwhile  phytochemical  studies  had   yielded  flavonoids  and  terpenes compounds. The implication of this study demonstrate the  essential oils and extracts of the genus Xylopia and Goniothalamus can be useful for rheumatism treatment.  


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