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Type :thesis
Subject :QA Mathematics
Main Author :Tan, Chin Ike
Title :Design and establishment of a pre-development serious games validation framework
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The primary goal of this thesis is to design and establish a pre-development validation framework   in  the  knowledge  domain  of  serious  games  (SG).    SG  are  specially designed  video  game   systems  with  a  primary  purpose  other  than  entertainment. Existing  SG  frameworks  have   neglected  to  account  for  a  detailed  method  and relationship  between  the  game  design   elements  and  its  process.  Hence,  the  SG Community is currently still lacking comprehensive  best practices for SG design in the pre-development  stage.  To  achieve  the  research   objectives,  a  mixed  methods research  design  was  implemented,  consisting  of  exploratory,   confirmatory,  and explanatory phases. The exploratory and explanatory phases utilized a series of  semi- structured interviews with six prominent game design practitioners using a SG design  theoretical framework. The SG Design theoretical framework is intended to test the areas  of  game   design  and  its  contribution  to  an  immersive  and  engaging  SG.  30 hypothetical propositions  were generated based on the exploratory phase findings and were  used  to  develop  a  quantitative   research  instrument.  145  game  designers participated in the confirmatory stage to affirm or  refute the results of the exploratory stage. The explanatory phase was conducted to seek an  in-depth understanding of the results in the explanatory and confirmatory phases. The findings  indicated ten core game design elements consisting of user experience, energy, tension, focus,  creativity, core  mechanics,  game  goals,  outcomes,  feedback  and  game  rules  arranged  in  a  procedural manner. In conclusion, video games and serious games share a similar game design process  and the ten core elements indicated in the findings formed three distinct  layers  signifying  that   process  flow  resulting  in  the  Rules  of  Immersion  and Player Emotion Game Design Model for  SG. The implication of this research suggests that this model can serve as a guiding principle  framework for game designers to use eliminary stages of SG development.  


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