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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aim of this study was to investigate the higher order thinking skills (HOTS)
strategies used by the ESL teachers to teach writing using the module developed.
Analysis of ESL students’ performance was carried out after using the module. This study also
analysed the teacher’s and students’ perception of using the HOTS module developed for teaching
writing to weak learners in selected national schools in Malaysia. The HOTS module was
developed based on Bloom’s Taxonomy focusing on cognitive as the main domain of learning. The
activities in the module were developed based on the themes stipulated in the English
language curriculum. A qualitative approach with a case study design was used for this study.
Two ESL teachers from Kedah and Johor were chosen using snowball sampling method as studied
subjects. Classroom observations, semi-structured interviews for ESL teachers, focused group
interview for ESL students and document analysis were used to collect data. Thematic analysis was
used to analyse the classroom observations and interviews. Classrooms observations were made to
investigate the teachers’ strategies to incorporate higher order thinking skills using
the module developed to teach writing. Teachers and students’ interviews were carried out to
ascertain their response towards the strategies and use of the higher order thinking skills
module to teach writing. The findings revealed that the mean score for the students in Kedah
increased from 3.63 to 6.94 and for students in Johor it increased from 10.0 to 16.9
after using the HOTS module developed. The analyses of the interviews showed that the teachers
preferred using the module as they were able to integrate the higher order thinking skills
strategies to teach writing. Students expressed that their writing improved after they were exposed
to the higher order thinking skills strategies and module used by their teachers. The
pedagogical implications for this study is adopting higher order thinking strategies in the form
of writing module in the ESL classrooms for teaching and learning is
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