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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study is aimed to synthesize carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for the large scale
production (in term of high volume production around 500 mg per day) by utilizing the novel waste
cooking palm oil (WCPO) as carbon feedstock. The method used were modified thermal chemical vapor
deposition (TCVD) that equipped with a peristaltic sprayer in order to continuously supply
the precursor and catalyst into the system. Various synthesis parameters, such as effect of
vaporization and synthesis temperature, synthesis time interval, precursor flow rate, post
annealing treatment, nozzle diameter, and catalyst concentration were conducted in order to find
out the optimum parameter to produce high quantity and good quality of CNTs. The total
amount of 1000 ml WCPO precursor was sprayed continuously during the experiment with ferrocene
as catalyst via modified TCVD system. The samples were characterized using field emission
scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray, high resolution transmission
electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The optimum
samples were then used as nanofiller for supercapacitor application and as an adsorbent
material for adsorption heavy metal ions application. The findings showed that the total of
~433 g CNTs were produced with high carbon conversion rate of 56 %. Growth of dense CNTs
with a high purity of ~90 % and good crystallinity (ID/IG ratio ~0.43) occurred
at combination temperature of 500 and 800 °C of vaporization and synthesis temperature,
respectively, time interval between spraying process of 15 min, precursor flow rate of 30 mLmin?¹,
annealing treatment at 500 °C for 4 h, nozzle diameter of 0.25 mm and catalyst
concentration of 5.33 wt% using modified TCVD system. The CNTs/natural rubber-latex
(NRL) nanocomposite exhibited a good capacitance performance with a specific capacitance of
81.82 F/g. Meanwhile, CNTs from WCPO shows an excellent ability in order to remove heavy metal ion
from aqueous solutions which match well with the Langmuir isotherm model with higher correlation
coefficient and maximum adsorption capacity metal ions of 0.9894 and 31.25 mg/g,
respectively. In conclusion, this study determined that a high production of WCPO based-CNTs using
modified TCVD method provided benefits for its utilization as composite and adsorbent materials
especially for supercapacitor and adsorption of heavy metal ions application. The implication
of this study is used a simple method, economical and green approach in order to produces
higher production
and good quality of CNTs.
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