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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between personality traits,
job crafting and work engagement among private university academic staff. The study used
correlational design. Five-factor model by Costa and McCrae and revised job
demands-resources model by Schaufeli and Bakker were used in this study. In examining
the relationships among the variables, job crafting was selected as a mediating variable
in this study. A sample of 284 respondents was randomly selected from 1,712 academic staff from two
private universities in Perak. To collect qualitative data, an interview session was conducted with
seven participants which were selected purposefully. Instruments used in this study consisted of
mini international personality item pool, job crafting scale and Utrecht work engagement scales. A
semi-structured interview protocol was developed to collect qualitative data. Two experts
have validated the instruments and the reliabilities of the instruments based on Cronbach Alpha
coefficients were α = 0.81, 0.88, and 0.88, respectively. The quantitative results showed that
agreeableness (β=0.393, p |
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