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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The advance of information technology and the availability of data in education management provide an opportunity, to run data analysis to assist top management in decision making. Information technology can transform data analysis in a more concise format, accurate, and in a short time, by using any available office application software which is already installed on the computer. However, even though the management at an operational-level in an organization usually already has the software installed on a computer to support the managing of data, the extent of knowledge and skills to use the software efficiently in decision making is still limited.
This study applies the Trialogical Model to implement decision support tools for data analysis of distribution lecturer’s teaching and learning (TnL) hour at IPG Kampus Pendidikan Teknik (IPGKPT) by grade specifications. A literature review using the interpretive paradigm involved the Trialogical Model (includes Monological and Dialogical), which is a knowledge-based model was carried out to run the data analysis using a Microsoft (Ms) Excel spreadsheet with Visual Basic for Application (VBA) and graphical interface. The findings show the usability of the Trialogical Model in the development of the decision support tool for TnL data analysis.
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