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Type :thesis
Subject :TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Main Author :Alrufaye, Moceheb Lazam Shuwandy
Title :Design and evaluation of new sensors-based smartphone authentication techniques
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2019
Notes :with CD
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to design, develop, and test new sensor-based smartphone authentication techniques with the use of new sensors, namely 3D-touch and microphone sensors, with the former being used to simulate the hardware of the 3D- touch sensor of iPhone. Essentially, a 3D-touch sensor converts the authentication pattern of Android devices into a multi-layer pattern. For the microphone sensor, an authentication method based on a silent air-blowing technique was proposed and developed. The proposed authentication schemes were tested, evaluated, and validated based on several scenarios. Two experimental settings, namely controlled and uncontrolled, were used to test the usability (i.e., the remember rate) of the authentication schemes with a sample size of 92 participants, consisting of 60 males and 32 females. False Reject Rate (FRR) and False Accept Rate (FAR) were utilized to analyze the security performance of such schemes by exposing each authentication pattern to various measures o FRR and FAR. Finally, a comparison of groups was performed to compare the analysis that helped provide greater insight into such usability measures. The results showed that the remember rates of the 3D-touch and microphone sensors were 26.25% and 8.22%, respectively, under the uncontrolled setting. In contrast, under the controlled setting, the remember rates of the 3D-touch and microphone sensors were 40.51% and 42.30%, respectively. Also, the FRR and FAR measures of the 3D-touch sensor were 66.73% and 0.15%, respectively. For the microphone sensor, the FRR and FAR measures were 58.04% and 39.17%, respectively. Also, the average results of the 3-Dimension Touchscreen Pattern Test (3DTPT) and Blowing-Voiceless Password (BVP) for both genders were 34.78% and 22.36%, respectively. In conclusion, the research findings were promising despite stringent experimental restrictions. The implication of this study is that the improvement of current sensor-based authentication techniques can be achieved based on the usability of such techniques.


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