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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Genetics is difficult for students to understand since genetic processes are intangible. As students have difficulty studying genetic, it is very difficult to retain them engaged in their learning process. On the other side,engagement of students is the focal point of educators. Following this, making use of digital platform to engage students in learning topics that are perceived difficult such as Genetic in biology learning is seen to be an irresistible option. This Padlet visual could be likened to an online notepad that can be utilized to engage students in various ways. The research objective is to explore the use of Padlet to enhance student engagement in learning genetic by focusing on behavioral engagement and perception of students using Padlet.
A qualitative research design is used where purposive sampling used to select participants. A total of 6 Year 11 students was selected from a private secondary school in Kelana Jaya, Selangor. Students were introduced to Padlet through briefing session and completed the task assigned in Padlet. Observation, interview, and document analysis is used for data collection. This research concluded that using Padlet has the potential to enhance student’s behavioral engagement in learning Genetic through following task-oriented instruction, facilitation of collaboration and sharing knowledge. It was found that various insights from students gained regarding using Padlet in learning genetic that categorized into positive perception that is going to be retained for enhancing student’s engagement within the lesson and negative perception that can be improved.
This research provides useful records about using Padlet to engage student in learning Genetic as well to surmount the learning challenges of students in biology.
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