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Type :article
Subject :T Technology (General)
Main Author :Lip, Yee Por
Additional Authors :Farid Binbeshr
M.L. Mat Kiah
A.A. Zaidan
Title :A systematic review of pin-entry methods resistant to shoulder-surfing attacks
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2020
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Full Text :Login required to access this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Although conventional PIN-entry methods are widely used in many daily authentication procedures, they are highly susceptible to shoulder-surfing attacks. A plethora of PIN-entry methods have been proposed in the literature to mitigate such attacks. Unfortunately, none of these methods is capable of replacing the conventional PIN-entry method. This study presents the results of a systematic review of PIN-entry methods resistant to shoulder-surfing attacks so that the main challenges that impede their adoption can be provided along with opportunities for future research. A systematic search was conducted on seven databases using predefined criteria. A test–retest approach was performed by a single author to extract data. A total of 55 articles were included in this review. The review results manifest that PIN-entry methods are classified mainly into direct and indirect inputs. The user study was the standard research method, and error rate and PIN-entry time were the most frequently adopted usability measures. The review argues that a recording-based shoulder-surfing attack is a major threat to PIN-entry methods. Error rate and PIN-entry time are widely adopted criteria for usability. The review indicates that most PIN-entry methods require a high error rate and PIN-entry time than the conventional method.


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Farid Binbeshr is a PhD student at the Department of Computer System

720 and Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia. He obtained his Master’s degree

in Computer Networks from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

(KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in 2014. His areas of research interest are

network security, authentication, and cryptography.

M.L. Mat Kiah joined the Faculty of Computer Science and Information

725 Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia as a tutor in 1997. She was appointed

as a lecturer in 2001. She received her BSc. (Hons) in Computer Science

from the University of Malaya in 1997, a MSc from Royal Holloway, University

of London, UK in 1998 and a Ph.D. also from Royal Holloway, University of

London in 2007. She is a full Professor at the Department of Computer System

730 and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University

of Malaya. Since 2008, she has been actively doing research particularly

in the Security area of Computing and Networking. Amongst of her research

grants were a High-Impact Research Grant by the Ministry of Higher Education,

Malaysia in 2012 for duration of 4 years, working on secure framework for

735 Electronic Medical Records, and a eScience grant by the Ministry of Science,

Technology and Innovation in 2013 for the duration of 3 years, working on Secure

Group Communication for Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII).

Her current research interests include Cyber Security, IoT and Cryptography.

Lip Yee Por received the Ph.D. degree from University of Malaya, Malaysia

740 in 2012. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer

System and Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia. In general, his research

interests are bioinformatic (e.g. biosensors, pain research), computer security

(e.g. information security, steganography, authentication (graphical password)),

neural network (e.g. supervised and unsupervised learning methods such as

745 support vector machine, extreme learning machine), grid computing, and elearning


A.A. Zaidan received his first class B.Eng. degree in Computer Engineering

in 2004 from University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. Then, he received

his M.Sc. degree on Data Communications and computer network in 2009 from

University of Malaya, Malaysia. Then, following his Ph.D. degree on artificial

intelligence in 2013 from Multimedia University, Malaysia. Currently, he is in

working as associated professor at Department of computing, University Pendidikan

Sultan Idris. He led and was being a member of many funded research

projects, and he has published more than 200 papers at various index interna755

tional conferences and journals. His research areas are: Data Science & Analysis

and Cyber Security.

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