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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study examines whether emotional intelligence and perceived social support are
significant predictors of delinquency. This cross-sectional study applied a quantitative
approach using the survey method. Data for this study were collected using three
measures to evaluate emotional intelligence, perceived social support and delinquency
among students in hotspot schools. Three questionnaires used are USM Emotional
Quotient Inventory, Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale and Delinquency
Scale. Total of 352 samples where n=189 male and n=163 female among Form 4
students in hotspot schools in Petaling Jaya district, Selangor. Respondents of this study
were recruited through random sampling to answer the questionnaires. In inferential
statistics, multiple regression analysis was used for data analysis and interpretation. The
result showed that combination of five domains; emotional control, emotional
conscientiousness, emotional awareness, emotional expression, and family
significantly contribute 27% to predict delinquency. Emotional expression has the
largest beta coefficient, β=-.52 while emotional control showed smallest beta
coefficient, β= -0.48. In conclusion, emotional control, emotional conscientiousness,
emotional awareness, emotional expression, and family are domains that significantly
predict delinquency. Findings of this study enhance further understanding on domains
in emotional intelligence and perceived social support that predicts delinquency. |
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