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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The criteria for measuring the competency levels of graphic design (GD) graduates
have continuously been shaped by the changing context of practice. However, previous
studies provide little evidence on the existence of an effective competency assessment
tool for GD graduates. This study aims to develop a model and an instrument to measure
the competency levels of future GD graduates in Malaysia. Sequential exploratory
research design approach was used. In the first phase, a two-round modified Delphi
technique was employed with a group of 32 GD experts to gain their consensus on the
desired competencies. In the second phase, a survey questionnaire was constructed to
collect quantitative data with 207 final year GD degree students. The data was analysed
using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s reliability test. The results of
EFA suggested that the instrument consists of 12 constructs and 59 items under five
competency dimensions (CDs). In specific, cognitive CD is a two-factor structure
(commercial awareness and integrated design knowledge) composes eight items;
functional CD is a three-factor structure (operational design process management skills,
software skills, and graphic print production skills) consists of 14 items; personal CD
is a two-factor structure (personal intelligence and aesthetic and visual sensitivity)
constitutes 13 items; ethical CD is a three-factor structure (professional expertise,
professional behaviours, and professional values) composes 11 items; and meta-CD is
a two-factor structure (analytical and creative problem-solving skills and
interdisciplinary collaboration skills) contains 13 items. All 12 constructs yielded high
internal consistency values, ranging between .723 and .914. Theoretically, the proposed
model and instrument contributed to a new body of knowledge to the competency
assessment of GD graduates in Malaysia. Practically, the findings provided relevant
stakeholders with prescribed standards of performance and appropriate tools to assess
the competency levels of new entrants to the GD profession. |
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