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Type :thesis
Subject :QA76 Computer software
Main Author :Nuraminah Ramli
Title :Establishing CMMI measurement and analysis, and integrated project management process areas at Heitech Padu Berhad
Hits :2416
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Seni, Komputeran dan Industri Kreatif
Year of Publication :2005
Notes :masters
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Software process improvement has been proposed to HeiTech Padu Berhad (HeiTech) to improve software process development productivity and system quality, and simultaneously assess its current practices in order to deliver quality software within time and budget constraints. HeiTech has selected CMMIsM (SE/SW) model with Staged representation and IDEALSM life-cycle model. HeiTech's mission is to be certified by CMMIsM Level 3 by the year 2006. Measurement and Analysis and Integrated Project Management process area are two process areas discussed in this report. HeiTech is facing improper activities on implementing Measurement and Analysis, and Integrated Project Management issues in their current practices. Therefore, a few work products have been produced in response to establish both process areas. They were elaborate concisely in this report. For Measurement and Analysis process area, the work products are HeiTech Measurement and Analysis Guideline, HeiTech Measurement and Analysis Plan, Measurement and Analysis Plan Template, and Measurement and Analysis Report Template. A measurement process based on ETVX has been used and a few measures derived by using PSM approach been proposed to be collected an analyzed. Measures proposed were based on current practices in HeiTech itself. Integrated Project Management process area work product involved with improving Project Management Plan that was established before. Coordination and collaboration issues are the main concern in this process area. The improved plan contains technical and support activities to coordinate all activities among stakeholders associated with the project. To achieve an effectiveness of SPI, motivations and cooperation among staff in the organization in practicing the improved process area are important.
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