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Type :thesis
Subject :PE English
Main Author :Hussein, Nadhim Obaid
Title :The effects of pragmatic instruction on Iraqi undergraduate English as a foreign language students usage of the speech act of request
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
The study aimed to investigate whether pragmatic instruction has an effect on Iraqi students' usage of request and whether male and female students differ in their usage of overall strategy and strategy patterns. This study also explored Iraqi EFL learners' perceptions of learning speech act of request and investigate whether Iraqi students were able to present the appropriate linguistic and pragmatic forms in performing speech act of request. Experimental design was adopted in this study. A discourse completion test (DCT) and a questionnaire were used for data collection. 80 undergraduate students participated in the study and they were divided into two groups; the control group consisted of 40 learners who did not receive any pragmatic instruction, and the experimental group that composed of 40 learners who were taught request strategies via pragmatic instruction. The results revealed that the experimental group showed a significant improvement in the scores of four components; speech act, information, expression, and politeness compared to the control group. The experiemntal group also achieved better results in the post-test than the control group. The results showed that the female students scored better in three conventional indirect request strategies forms; willingness, ability, and permission, than the male students. Moreover, the students in the experimental group reported a positive perception towards learning the speech act of request. Finally, the results proved the experimental group was able to present the appropriate linguistic (sociopragmatics) and pragmatic (pragmalinguistics) forms in performing the speech act of request. The findings indicate that the pragmatic instruction was effective in helping learners obtain different forms of request and strategies that enabled them to formulate appropriate requests. The study implicates that teaching pragmatics in the Iraqi EFL context should be implemented by EFL teachers to develop EFL learners’ pragmatic knowledge and enhance their communicative ability in social contexts.


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