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Type :article
Subject :S Agriculture (General)
ISSN :2550-2166
Main Author :Siti Fairuz Yusoff
Title :Maintaining antioxidants in tomato fruit using chitosan and vanillin coating during ambient storage
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Teknikal dan Vokasional
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
A high intake of antioxidants in a daily diet could reduce the risk of several diseases, including certain cancers and heart disease. Tomato is one of the rich sources of antioxidant compounds. However, it has a relatively short postharvest life due to several factors such as postharvest diseases, accelerated ripening and senescence that hasten the losses in quantity and quality. Chitosan and vanillin could be an alternative to disease control, maintain the quality and prolong the shelf life of fruit. This research aimed to evaluate the potential of chitosan and vanillin coating on tomato antioxidant properties during storage at 26±2°C and 60±5% relative humidity. Chitosan and vanillin in aqueous solutions of 0.5% chitosan + 10 mM vanillin, 1% chitosan + 10 mM vanillin, 1.5% chitosan + 10 mM vanillin, 0.5% chitosan + 15 mM vanillin 1% chitosan + 15 mM vanillin and 1.5% chitosan + 15 mM vanillin, respectively, were used as edible coating on tomato fruit. The analysis was evaluated at a 5-day interval. The results revealed that 1.5% chitosan + 15 mM vanillin have significantly retained tomato's antioxidant properties and prolonged shelf life up to 25 days without any adverse effects on fruit quality. Thus, combining 1.5% chitosan and 15 mM vanillin is highly recommended as a tomato coating to maintain their quality, particularly in the absence of a refrigeration facility during marketing.


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