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Type :article
Subject :P Language and Literature
ISSN :2222-6990
Main Author :Taj Rijal Muhamad Romli
Additional Authors :Siti Hafizah Aiyshah Mohd Ali
Title :Al-isti‘arah in the Novel al-Zikrayat by ‘Ali al-Tantawi based on relevant theory
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
  This study is related to the analysis of the use of isti'arah in the novel al-Zikrayat by 'Ali al -Tantawi. This study aims to examine the true meaning of the language style of isti'arah tasrihiyyah and isti'arah makniyyah presented by 'Ali al - Tantawi in his writing. Analyze musyabbah and musyabbah bih discarded in the use of the verse. To obtain the results of this study, each category of isti'arah tasrihiyyah and isti'arah makniyyah is analyzed through the style of language that is understood, which is to express the implied meaning. This study uses the text of the first volume of the eight volumes as a whole as study data. The method of this study is a literature study by analyzing two types of isti'arah tasrihiyyah and isti'arah makniyyah to be used as a model to understand the implicit meaning. Analysis based on relevant theories as a guide to detect the style of isti'arah language and find the real meaning. The design of this study is qualitative and the data are analyzed descriptively and inferentially. This study analyzes 24 research data which is the data of isti'arah tasrihiyyah and isti'arah makniyyah obtained throughout the analysis. The results of the analysis of the study show some use of isti'arah in the novel which consists of 6 samples of isti'arah tasrihiyyah and 6 samples of isti'arah makniyyah. In general, it can be described that 'Ali al - Tantawi used a lot of isti'arah language style and metaphor in his narration. Almost every page he uses the concept of al-isti‘arah like the loan of humans characters to situation in the girl is compared to the moon, the nature of her head, her legs dan her heart is likened to that of a human, lahjah is lent verbally, the earth is like a circle and the speed of human hand is likened to a racehorse Keywords: Al-isti'arah, Ilmu Bayan, Al-Zikrayat Novel, Relevant Theory, Language Style.  


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