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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This paper discusses critical success factors involved in developing Authentic Learning Teacher Competency Model based on Malaysian education system. Authentic learning is an approach that facilitates learners’ acquisition of knowledge by exposing them to real-world experiences. Implementing authentic learning approach requires educators to carry out a learning design that connect what learners are taught in school to real-world issues, problems and applications. Learning taught through this way must be able to mirror the complexities and ambiguities of real-life. Therefore, a semi-structured interview was conducted to identify the critical success factors required by educators to be competent in implementing authentic learning approach. This paper represents educators’ perception in achieving competency implementing authentic learning approach. Educators are required to prepare the learners for the unknown future by fostering 21st century skills during the teaching and learning activities through authentic learning approach. The findings of the study demonstrate that educators agreed that knowledge, skill and attitude competency are the relevant themes involved in developing the Authentic Learning Teacher Competency Model.
Keywords: Authentic Learning, Teacher Competency, Knowledge, Skill, Attitude |
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