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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Vocabulary is the key to make communication possible, learners need to acquire adequate vocabulary to help them to communicate appropriately with the target language. to learn Chinese, a foreign learner must have a grasp of a large vocabulary sufficient for communication. This quantitative study examined the potential relationship between foreign language Motivation, Language anxiety, and self-efficacy, and achievement in Mandarin Chinese vocabulary. 98 Malay-speakers of Mandarin Chinese language novice learners in a public university in Malaysia participated in the study. An unannounced vocabulary test was used to check participants' Mandarin Chinese vocabulary performance. The learning motivation, Language anxiety, and self-efficacy were measured by specifically designed instruments that targeted Mandarin Chinese vocabulary acquisition. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that language anxiety and self-efficacy were positive and significant determinants of Mandarin Chinese vocabulary performance, although motivation was not. This confirms that the learners’ affective feature plays a role in Mandarin Chinese vocabulary acquisition.
Keywords: Anxiety, Mandarin Chinese, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, Vocabulary, Performance. |
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