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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Recent years, the top 3 of world's export products were monopolized by Electronic and Electrical sector. In Malaysia, Electronic and Electrical is the main contributor of export since 1980s. However, the export performance of Malaysian Electronic and Electrical is often affected by several issues including competitors, financial crisis and global pandemic crisis. Hence, this article aims to investigate the relationship between Malaysian electronic and electrical export value and exchange rate using Bayesian method to fit a two components normal mixture model. Bayesian parameter estimation method is getting popular in time series data analysis due to its asymptotic properties which is then furnishes reliable results. Through Bayesian analysis, the finding reveals that there is a positive relationship between Malaysian electronic and electrical export value with exchange rate. Meanwhile, Malaysian Electronic and Electrical export price increase when there is an appreciation of exchange rate and vice versa. From this article, investors and traders can invest wisely through understanding of factor that affects Malaysian Electronic and Electrical sector. ? 2021 RIGEO. All Rights Reserved. |
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