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Type :article
Subject :QA Mathematics
ISSN :2146-0353
Main Author :Raja Noor Farah Azura Raja Maamor Shah
Title :Algebraic lab: pedagogical tool to teach and learn algebra through game
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2021
Notes :Review of International Geographical Education Online
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
HTTP Link : Click to view web link

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
This study aims to examine the usability of 'Algebraic Lab' as a learning aid in learning Mathematics topic of Algebra for Form Two. The method used is product design and development research by using ADDIE model. The approach of this study is quantitative. A total of 100 Form Two students around Perak were randomly selected for this study. Before the questionnaire was distributed, students were taught how to use the 'Algebraic Lab'. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively. Based on the mean analysis, the usability of 'Algebraic Lab' as a learning aid is 3.15 which is a moderate level. In conclusion, 'Algebraic Lab' is suitable for use as a learning aid for Algebra topics. The implication of this study shows that the process of teaching and learning in Malaysia through games can increase the understanding and attract students' attention to learn the topic of Algebra. In addition, the 'Algebraic Lab' gives positive impact to students, teachers, schools and the Ministry of Education Malaysia in an effort to make changes in terms of learning from conventional to nowadays modern learning techniques.  


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