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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Green skills need to be developed in vocational education for sustainable future. However, the vocational high school curriculum of agricultural food processing technology in Indonesia does not explicitly state the development of green skills. Teaching materials, such as module are needed to develop vocational students? green skills. This study aimed to develop green skills module for meat processing technology at vocational high schools. Development of this module used the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model. The contents for a green skills module were developed based on a need analysis for the elements of green skills that must be developed in vocational high schools, curriculum and a literature review analysis related to sustainability in meat processing technology. The module was designed using a scientific approach to strengthen active student learning as per the 2013 curriculum policy for vocational high schools in Indonesia. The developed module was sent to the four selected experts for validating. It gained score of 88.56% in material aspect about meat processing technology by the material experts and 89.18% in media aspects by the media experts. These scores mean that the module was categorized as very feasible. Based on the pre-test and post-test of students? green skills with this module, the calculation of n-gain test was 0.4 which means moderate category. The findings of this study imply that the module can be used in learning to improve student's green skills. This study may be adapted for the development of other subject modules in vocational schools. ? 2021 Institute of Food Technologists? |
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