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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to look at the effectiveness of Geography fieldwork study among form six students in Machang, Kelantan. A quantitative approach was applied in this study by using a questionnaire as an instrument. A simple random sampling method was used for the selection of respondents and the total number of respondents was 80 form six students who were taking Geography in some selected schools in the Machang district in Kelantan. Four study variables were used, namely interest, understanding, skills and effectiveness, in the implementation of the Geography fieldwork study. Descriptive analysis was used to examine the level of each variable I, II, III and IV, and inferential analysis (Pearson's correlation and regression) was used to examine the relationships and influential contributions of each study variable. The findings showed that all of the variables, namely interest (M = 2.89, SP = 0.32), understanding (M = 2.87, SP = 0.32), manipulative skills (M = 2.33, SP = 0.50), soft skills (M = 2.75, SP = 0.44) and the effectiveness of the implementation (M = 2.90, SP = 0.30) were at a moderate level. The results of the Pearson's correlation analysis also found that there was a significant positive relationship between the interest and understanding variables (r = 0.538, p |
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