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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Increasing complexity towards harnessing the power of ICT on all levels has created uncertainty about higher educational technological capabilities and adequate strategies to develop e-readiness. In this study, an empirically grounded higher education e-readiness questionnaire in the domain of higher education was developed and validated. Exploratory factor analysis (n =�120) followed by confirmatory factor analysis (n =�336) was done which was presented in two forms; covariance model and the structural model. The covariance model showed that the 5 indicators (?Innovativeness?, ?Infrastructure?, ?Collaboration?, ?Learning flexibility?, ?Student experience?) and assigned 24 items were important e-readiness dimensions from the learners? point of view. The structural models validated the previously extracted factors along with their indicators. As a practical tool, the e-readiness tool could assist institutions towards identifying issues that contribute towards e-readiness thereby formulating strategies accordingly. An example of how it can be used as a practical tool is presented in this paper. ? 2021 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. |
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