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Type :article
Subject :GV Recreation Leisure
ISSN :1573-4013
Main Author :Nor Aijratul Asikin Mohamad Shalan
Additional Authors :Norhazira Abdul Rahim
Nur Ikhwan Mohamad
Title :Exercise and supplementation of black mulberry fruit extract, sunflower seed and pumpkin seed enhance cognitive performance among sedentary university students
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Sukan Dan Kejurulatihan
Year of Publication :2021
Notes :Current Nutrition and Food Science
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
HTTP Link : Click to view web link

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Background: A sedentary lifestyle has been found to influence cognitive impairment, whereas physical activity and diet have been found to reduce the negative impacts of a sedentary lifestyle. Objectives: This study aims to examine the synergistic effects of the black mulberry, sunflower seed, and pumpkin seed supplements, including exercise on cognitive performance among sedentary university students. Methods: Participants (n=36) were randomly assigned to receive black mulberry, sunflower seed, and pumpkin seed with and without exercise for 60 days. Then, they were required to complete cognitive task assessment for domain attention (visual reaction time and auditory reaction time), perception (fast counting and basic music) and executive (Eriksen flanker task and Stroop test) on day 0 (baseline), 30, and 60 of the experiment. Following that, blood samples were collected and analyzed for malondialdehyde serum concentration as an oxidative stress marker. Results: All participants showed significant faster reaction time in cognitive tasks for domain attention and basic music test for domain perception on day 30 and 60 compared to day 0. However, no significant changes were observed within group, on cognitive task for domain executive. In comparison between the groups, participants in group treatment showed significant faster reaction time for cognitive tasks for domain attention and for Erikson flanker task for domain executive as compared to group exercise alone, and group treatment with exercise. For domain perception (basic music test), participants in group treatment with exercise achieved faster reaction time compared to group treatment and exercise alone. Despite the reduction of malondialdehyde concentration in all groups, no significant difference was found between them. Conclusion: It was indicated from the findings that the consumption of black mulberry fruit extract, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds with and without exercise independently enhanced attention, perception, and executive function among sedentary young adults. ? 2021 Bentham Science Publishers.


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