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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The problem and the aim of the study. Students at secondary school are facing problems in learning Mathematics for topic Geometry. The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of a learning strategy for 3-dimensional Geometry, using Visual Tools Screencast SketchUp Make, called ViToS-SUM. Researchmethods. ViToS-SUM consists of four components: level of van Hiele geometrical thinking, visual spatial skills, visual tools and video tutorial screencast SketchUp Make. A topic in form 3 mathematics, Plans and Elevations was chosen for this study. The whole process of design and development of ViToS-SUM adopted the five cyclic stages of ADDIE instructional design model. This article addresses the details of the final two stages specifically, implementation and evaluation prior to pilot test. Twelve students from a secondary school and three experts involved in this study. Quantitative approaches were used to collect data as well as to analyse the experts? and students? views on the appropriateness of ViToS-SUM. Results. The experts agreed that both visual spatial skills (mean = 5.00) and level of van Hiele geometrical thinking (mean = 4.61) should be embedded in ViToS-SUM. Moreover, the experts also agreed that the content of ViToS-SUM is suitable (mean = 4.51) with the mathematics content for topic Plans and Elevations. The pre and post test showed that there were significant differences in mean scores of visual spatial skills, before and after learning via ViToS-SUM (t=12.21; p |
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