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Type :article
Subject :G Geography (General)
ISSN :2089-1180
Main Author :Doewes, Rumi Iqbal
Additional Authors :Elumalai, Gunathevan
Siti Hartini Azmi
Norsilawati Abdul Razak
Title :RUMI DOPING application development as anti-doping information media for Indonesian national paralympic comittee athletes
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains Sukan Dan Kejurulatihan
Year of Publication :2021
Notes :Bali Medical Journal
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
HTTP Link :Click to view web link

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Introduction: Doping is an invisible cheating act in a match; therefore, it is necessary to provide an anti-doping understanding to overcome doping behavior in a competition. The research purpose was to produce a product in the Rumi Doping application as a medium for anti-doping understanding in Indonesian NPC athletes. Methods: This research used R&D with the Agile Sprint planning model, which consists of (1) planning (planning for the preparation of software components); (2) developing (start software development); (3) testing (software testing); (4) delivering (present the software product); and (5) assessing (assess and provide feedback on the products that have been made). Data were collected by observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The testing stage used experts? product validation, and the assessment stage used product users (Indonesian National Paralympic Committee athletes). Aiken V Coefficient for validity testing and descriptive percentages to measure user ratings in the form of practicality and effectiveness of the Rumi Doping application. Results: The results showed that the average Aiken V value was 0.89 > 0.77, so it could be stated that the application developed was valid. The practicality assessment of the Rumi Doping application showed an average percentage of 80% (24/30) of athletes stated that it was practical to use. The effectiveness assessment of the Rumi Doping application showed that 90% (27/30) athletes disagreed about doping in sports, which means athletes have understood that doping is prohibited in sports. Conclusion: The research concluded that the Rumi Doping application is valid, practical, and effective in providing information about doping. ? 2021, Sanglah General Hospital. All rights reserved.


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