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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to describe: 1) the learning models used in the implementation of STEM education in Indonesia, 2) the level of education used in the implementation of STEM education in Indonesia, 3) the effect of STEM education in Indonesia on the students' learning outcome. This is a literature review study, 27 articles were analyzed based on the research method, level of education, learning models, and learning outcome. A within-case analysis was carried out to analyze the articles in the dataset. The research result showed that: 1)STEM education in Indonesia was carried out by using the learning models: Project Based Learning (PjBL), 6E, HOTS assessment based-learning, inquiry,Think Pair Share (TPS), Problem Based Learning (PBL), android game, digital and student book based-learning, PjBL is the learning model which most widely used in the implementation of STEM education in Indonesia, 2) STEM education in Indonesia was conducted in elementary school, junior and senior high school, but very limited in university level, 3) STEM education in Indonesia was effective on the students' learning outcome: Scientific literacy, creative thinking, critical thinking, attitude, HOTS, character, achievement, problem solving, and 21st century skill. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. |
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