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Type :article
Subject :H Social Sciences
ISSN :1555-1229
Main Author :Fadhil Sally
Additional Authors :Ramlee Ismail
Title :The influence of soft skills on employability: a case study on technology industry sector in Malaysia
Place of Production :Tanjung Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2021
Notes :Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Web Link :Click to view web link
PDF Full Text :Login required to access this item.

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Aim/Purpose This research investigates the influence of soft skills on graduates? employability in the technology industry, using the technology industry sector in Malaysia as a case. Background Organizations are looking for appropriate mechanisms to hire qualified employees with strong soft skills and hard skills. This requires that job candidates possess a set of qualifications and skills which impact their employability. Methodology Fuzzy Delphi analysis was conducted as preliminary study to identify the critical soft skills required by technology industry sector. The preliminary study produced ten critical soft skills to form a conceptual model of their influence on employability. Then, an online questionnaire survey was distributed in two industry companies in Malaysia to collect research data, and regression analysis was conducted to validate the conceptual model. Contribution This research focuses on the influence of soft skills on graduate employability in the technology industry sector, since the selection of the best candidate in the industry will improve employee performance and lead to business success. Findings The results of regression analysis confirmed that Communication skills, Attitude, Integrity, Learnability, Motivation, and Teamwork are significantly correlated with employability, which means that these soft skills are the critical factors for employability in Malaysian technology companies. Recommendations The model proposed in this article can be used by employers to give better as-for Practitioners sessment of candidates? compatibility with the jobs available. Impact on Society This research highlights the critical soft skills required by technology industry sector, which will reduce the unemployment percentages among graduates. Future Research More studies are required to examine the soft skills found in the literature and to define the most important skills from a general perspective of the industry. Future research should assess the moderating role of other variables, such as skills gap, employee performance, and employee knowledge. Furthermore, it is recommended to conduct similar studies of soft skills for employability in other countries. ? 2021 Informing Science Institute. All rights reserved.


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