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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended Cerebral disorders treatment within 90 minutes of the first medical encounter. Where the specialist should recover blood flow to the brain rapidly by injecting intravenous drugs in emergency situations. Tele Encephalopathy Diagnosis includes the use of advanced communication technology to convey to the off-site neurologist the pre-hospital 21-lead EEG signal for early triage, which has been shown to minimize time and overall mortality dramatically. However, hospitals also find the implementation of EEG transmission technologies very difficult to implement. Seven major technological obstacles to pre-hospital EEG transmission are established in the project research, in particular, paramedical discomfort and transport delays; signal noise and processing errors; system failure and communication losses; cellular network reliability; non-compliance with digital EEG format requirements; poor communication with electronic medical records; and cost-effective compliance with digital EEG format requirements. In order to solve both of these technical obstacles, current and potential strategies are studied in detail and contain automatic EEG transmitting protocols; remarkable waveform EEGs; optimal routing strategies; and the cloud computing services utilization instead of vendor-specific processing stations. However, transmission quality management strategies and patient observations are necessary to maintain the primary progress in the application of EEG transmission technologies. ? School of Engineering, Taylor's University. |
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