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Type :article
Subject :Q Science (General)
Main Author :Lisa, Tessa Destia Putri
Additional Authors :Hamdi Rifai
Nila Virgo Lestari
Wahyuni Satria Dewi
Title :Instrument of understanding level test of newton’s law concept: case study flying fox ride in Bukik Chinangkiek Edupark, West Sumatera, Indonesia
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Sains dan Matematik
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Misconception is a misinterpretation of a concept that incompatible with scientists conception. Misconception can be caused by experiences when interacting with natural environment. One of physics concept that is often encountered in everyday life and still a misconception for students is Newton's law concept. Natural learning can help students understand scientific concepts. Using surrounding environment in learning is to make it a learning resource or known as educational park. Physics e-book of Bukik Chinangkiek Edupark, describes the application of Newton's law concept on flying fox rides very well. But, this book only contains an evaluation of student’s knowledge, not accompanied by an evaluation to find out the understanding level of student’s concept. The evaluation of student’s concept understanding is necessary to detect and distinguish the understanding level of student’s concepts, between understand the concept, understand the concept but not sure, misconceptions, and not understand the concepts. Teacher will more easily determine the countermeasures for each student by knowing the understanding level of student’s concepts.Edupark-based test instruments are required to determine the understanding level of student’s concepts in Newton's law based on flying fox ride in Bukik Chinangkiek Edupark. This is Research and Development (R&D) type of research using Plomp model that consist of three stages; 1) preliminary research; 2) prototyping phase; 3) assessment phase.This research was conducted until prototyping phase. This instrument developed in multiple choice test form with open reasoning accompanied by modified Certainty of Response Index (CRI). This research data were processed by descriptive and statistical analysis. The test instrument has been tested for the validity of content and empirically produces 14 valid items. The instrument is declared reliable rcount > rtable with an index 0.79. The results of understanding level of student’s Newton's law concepts analysis showed 17.83% of students are in understand the concept category, 3.33% of students are in understand the concept but not sure category, 45.33% of stundents are in misconceptions category, and 33.50% of students are in not understand the concept category.  


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