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Type :thesis
Subject :HC Economic History and Conditions
Main Author :Rosmini Ismail
Title :Development of environment economic measurements to estimate net revenues for tourism island destination
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pengurusan dan Ekonomi
Year of Publication :2020
Notes :with cd
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
PDF Guest :Click to view PDF file

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Environmental disturbances caused by tourism are commonly ignored in the measurement of financial performance. The focus of the study was to account for human activities  that have exceeded the environment’s ecological limits following Meadow’s limits to growth and  Pigou’s negative externalities theories within the context of tourism. Hence, the purpose of this  study was to develop environment-economic measurements to  estimate net  revenues for  tourism   island destination. These measurements included estimating tourism revenue, quantifying and  monetising environmental degradations and measuring Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Revenue  (ESTR) for Perhentian Island. The study used a survey design where 923 Perhentian Island’s visitors  spending served as proxies to tourism revenue estimates. The spending data were analysed using  two-steps Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) technique. Meanwhile, the costs of the  environment based on loss of income were measured using ecological footprint, tourism carrying  capacity, and economic valuation method through secondary resources. The findings indicated that  other than country of origin, spending on accommodations and food and beverages, were mainly  influenced by the number of dependents; transportation and recreation were influenced by the length  of stay; and retail was influenced by the seasonal period. Estimation for cost of the environment  were found to be MYR 5,446,563.00 for environmental resources overshoot, MYR 506,576.00 for  environmental services overcapacity and, between MYR 1,612,160.94 and MYR 3,626,722 for  environmental asset overuse. Overall degradation was recorded at MYR 9,579,861.00 (upper limit)  with ESTR of MYR 124,724,324.00. The data showed that Perhentian Islands tourism externalities may  have exceeded 5.5% to 7.1% of its environmental limit. In conclusion, the environment-economic  measurements in this study indicated that the tourism activities currently conducted on the islands  were inclining towards unsustainability. In implication, environment-economic measurements model  developed in this study could be applied in the tourism industry in order to measure the  sustainability of island tourism.  


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