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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The research aimed to determine the effective radius (r*) of a trapped polystyrene
microbead near a water-air interface and to develop a 3-dimensional piezostage control module for
optical trapping within micrometre range. This study involved the development of a control
program so called PZStage and the determination of r* near the water-air interface. PZStage was
developed on the LabVIEW platform to control laser focus location in the trapping medium. A 3 µm
bead was trapped in water at several heights towards the free space in a special design test cell.
The temporal displacement data of the trapped bead was recorded by a quadrant photodiode (QPD) and
analysed by a custom made program namely OSCal to determine r*. PZStage was well developed which
enabled precise laser focus control in 20 µm range in three mutually orthogonal directions. The
result showed that r* was constant at any focus height at fixed water thickness and laser power.
Besides, r* depended on laser power at fixed laser focus height and water thickness in the form of
exponentially decaying relation. In conclusion, PZStage was successfully developed to precisely
control laser focus toward water-air interface, and the r* was found to be dependent on laser power
rather than laser focus height within the set experimental conditions. The research implied that
the low laser power was possible for optical trapping near the water-air interface with appropriate
water thickness selection. However, consideration must be taken into account since the trap was
shifted away from the laser focus as the focus height increases due to scattering
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