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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to develop a proof of concept of green oil filter cartridge from kenaf for
automotive application. The methodology involved paper making process which include
soda pulping, fibre beating and pulp pressing. The physical, mechanical, chemical and
thermal properties of the paper sheets produced at various beating degrees were
tested according to standard guidelines. The results highlight that the kenaf paper sheet
prepared at 4000 beating revolution exhibits the best tensile and burst indices
comparable to selected commercial filter media. Thermal analysis showed that the paper
sheet prepared at this parameter decomposed at a lower temperature (535°C)
compared to the selected commercial filter media (700°C). The kenaf paper prepared at
4000 beating revolution was selected to form proof of concept (POC) of oil filter cartridge.
Certain technical aspects of the POC were validated by industrial experts. An
international sustainable manufacturing guideline was adopted to evaluate green
indicators of the developed POC. The biodegradability of used POC and selected
commercial oil filter media was assessed at simulated landfill conditions. Many
attributes for input and product achieved high scores for green indicator. The used
POC showed faster biodegradability period compared to the selected commercial oil
filter media. In conclusion, some properties of the POC are better or comparable to
selected commercial oil filter media. This study implicates potential towards application
of kenaf paper for green oil filter cartridge manufacturing in the automotive industry. |
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