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Type :article
Subject :P Language and Literature
Main Author :Najah Abduallah Albelazi
Additional Authors :Malini Ganapathy
Title :The effects of the station rotation model in promoting Libyan students EFL writing: blended learning
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
In the new digital age, educational technology has been commonly integrated to improve educational practices. Despite the existence of basic facilities in secondary schools of Libya, the use of technology has not been officially encouraged and practiced by instructors. Likewise, there is no empirical account on how technology implementation could improve secondary school students’ writing performance. This study aimed to explore how students’ engagement in a Station Rotation Model (SRM) using a blended learning approach, could improve their writing performance. This study employed a quasi-experimental design, which includes 51 second-graders for the experimental (26 students) and control group (25 students) in a Libyan secondary state school in Alkhoms, Libya. The comparison of the students’ pre-test and post-test writing scores on a 300-word essay indicated a significant improvement in their performance. This study employed a qualitative instrument to investigate students’ perceptions of the SRM. The results of the focus group interviews further showed that the students had highly valued the online and collaborative aspects of the intervention for pleasure and pedagogical purposes. It was also found that the process-oriented view of learning is better demonstrated with an SRM writing course. The findings of this study can be a point of reference to stakeholders, teachers, curriculum designers and even students to develop an alternative writing approach to improve EFL students’ writing performance.  


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