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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary meal plan on
anthropometric andphysiological indices such as body weight, Body Mass Index
(BMI), waist and hip circumferences, percentage of fat and blood pressure among
overweight women practicing Zumba. The participants consisted of 20 overweight
women who wereaged 18 until 55 years old, which were not involved in weight loss
program, not onmedication, did not have any chronic diseases and did not consume
any weight losssupplement or meal replacement. Body weight, BMI, waist
circumference, hip circumference, percentage of fatand diastolic and systolic blood
pressure were measured at the end week 1, week 4 and week8. Zumba exercise
together with dietary meal plan interventions were given to all participants and the
data were collected by using 24-hours diet recall and 3-days diet record. The effects
of Zumba exercise with applied meal plan were analyzed by using one-way repeated
measures MANOVA. The resultsshowedthatZumba exercise combined with dietary
meal plan showed a significant different in body weight (p |
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