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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aims to develop an educational web application ‘WebGSIM’ for the topic of Gravitation and evaluate its usability among form 4 physics students in Jelutong District. This is a developmental research design study and WebGSIM was developed based on ADDIE instructional design model. ADDIE model has five phases which are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. After development, WebGSIM was validated by two experts. The research sample consisted of 67 form 4 physics students that was selected through cluster random sampling from all the students in Jelutong district. This research used a usability questionnaire of 20 items that was adapted from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate the usability of WebGSIM. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation. The data from two experts showed that the newly developed WebGSIM had a good validity with 100% of agreement. The mean for the constructs of perceived ease of use (M=4.43, SD=0.664), perceived usefulness (M=4.64, SD=0.532), attitude (M=4.69, SD=0.535), behavioural intention (M=4.62, SD=0.682) and self-efficacy (M=4.45, SD=0.622). An average mean score of 4.57 was obtained from the result which showed that WebGSIM had a good usability. In conclusion, WebGSIM is valid and reliable, with a good level of usability. For implication, WebGSIM is suitable to be implemented into classroom because WebGSIM can help students to visualize abstract concept in Gravitation topic by using 3D simulation. |
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