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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aim to investigate the effectiveness of self-modelling video imagery training (delivered using iPod Touch) on open skills among highly competitive futsal players throughout a competition season. Four male futsal players participated in a single-case ABAB study design for four months. Participants’ performances of four skills (passing, receiving, dribbling, shooting), using hand notational video analysis were examined. Self-modelling video imagery training was customized to focus on the two weakest skills for each participant. The results using visual inspection and split middle technique analysis of individual graphs indicated improvement in performance of all targeted skills all participants during the intervention phases (B1, B2) compared to baseline phases (A1, A2). In conclusion, the selfmodelling video imagery was found to beneficial, specifically improving performance of futsal skills in actual games in a season. The used of IPod as technology device to delivering self-modelling video imagery was found to be useful to enhance futsal players’ performances. |
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