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Type :article
Subject :L Education (General)
Main Author :Norly Jamil
Additional Authors :Munirah Ghazali
Title :A systematic review of the contribution of spontaneous focusing on numerosity to enhance children\'s mathematical development
Place of Production :Tanjong Malim
Publisher :Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia
Year of Publication :2021
Corporate Name :Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris

Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
There is solid evidence that high score of spontaneous focusing on numerosity (SFON) have substantial contribution on children’s mathematics development. Based on the literatures, around 2005 until 2010 most of the studies conducted about SFON in Finland. However a growing literature shows that ithe six years past the studies about SFON began to spread outside Finland, such as United State, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, China and Australia. This article aims at reviewing about implications of SFON within 12 years past with a twofold objective: (i) to describe how SFON related to children’s mathematics skills; and (ii) to explain that SFON predict later mathematics achievement. The studies were identified through systematic search of electronic databases and analyzed accordingly. SFON as well as other early maths skills in the earliest years play a role in children’s mathematics successes. Five database has been selected to conduct the search for target articles; i(i) the Science Direct database offering access to social science, education and SFON journal articles; i(ii) the Web of Science i(WoS) service, indexing cross-disciplinary research in sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities; i(iii) the Taylor and Francis Online with extraordinary information in SFON and numerosity; and i(iv) the Springer LINK database covering education and language, mathematics and social science i journals. Literature was collected from 46 articles of alleged journal from 2005 until 2019. Theme analysis was adopted to analysis the data. iBased on 14 articles that has been reviewed, SFON skill greatly icontribute ito ichildren mathematics iskill iand ipredict ichildren ilater imathematics achievement. These results truly proving that SFON is a very important skill in early childhood math learning. In conclusion, SFON significantly effects and contribute to children learning in mathematics skill. In other words, children who want to be good in mathematics they should be expert in SFON. Therefore, all the preschool teachers in this country should pay more attention on learning SFON during the early education of young children.


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