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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Introduction: Injury are noticeably high among field hockey players in Malaysia in which
more than half of the players had lower limb injuries and up to 75% of field hockey players
survived at least one acute injury during a game or practice and the trend is keep going
up till now even though sport protective equipment as injury prevention in Hockey has
been practiced. Objective: This study aims to identify the injury history and determine the
level of knowledge and application of protective equipment among hockey players in
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. Methodology: 46 respondents currently play Hockey
sport in UPSI and have participated in this study. The respondents were given a set of
questionnaires that have been blasted through an online platform, the questionnaire
consist of four sections; A) demography, B) injury history, C) knowledge in protective
equipment, and D) application of protective equipment. Result: Six questions of each
section (Sections C and D) and 5 Likert scale as an answer option applied to measure
respondent’s knowledge level and application level in which the average mean for
knowledge level is 17.91 (2.985) while for application of protective level average mean is
12.26 (2.04). Mean interpretation scale from Neuman (2015) was referred to determine
the knowledge and application-level scale. Conclusion: This study concludes that hockey
players' knowledge level in UPSI is moderate while the applications were still low among
Hockey players in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris. |
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