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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The purpose this study was to investigate the comparison between Cold Water
Immersion (CWI) and Active Recovery (AR) on perceived pain relieve after
performing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) among male football players. The
study used a quasi-experimental method as its research design. A random sample of
36 footballers from a public university age ranging from 18 to 23 years old was
selected for the study. They were assigned to two groups, namely CWI (n=18) and
AR (n=18). All participants performed ―Tabata Training‖ for 20 minutes before
undergo recovery intervention. Recovery intervention using CWI was conducted for
10 minutes with temperature of 15°C, while AR was conducted for 10 minutes by
cycling on cycle ergometer with speed of 60 RPM, load 50w with moderate intensity
of 50%-60%. Both recovery interventions were performed immediately, after 24
hours and 48 hours. Visual Analog Scale was used to measure perceived pain relieve
on 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours. Repeated Measure One-way ANOVA was
utilized for data analysis. ANOVA result revealed there was no significant difference
between CWI and AR after 24 hours of recovery [F(1,34) = 0.507; p>0.05]. However,
there was a significant difference on perceived pain relieve between CWI and AR
during 48 hours [F(1,34) = 92.53; p |
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