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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The article discusses the concept of a competency approach to the management of HR and the concepts that are most reliable in the management of training. An alternative competency paradigm is established based on existing theory and actual evidence. The primary goal of this paper is to explore the value of a competency approach as a human resource strategy for advocating the organization's expected responsibilities, talents, and activities. The paper also discusses potential roadblocks to implementing a competency-based approach to HRM in a specific setting. That is, a new dimensional approach for the HR and Training Division considers the notion of meaningfulness and the internalization of the core values of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN). The discourse of the study is that there are challenges in implementing a competency strategy which could be the rationale for the Navy People not internalizing a concrete element in their career path. This paper proposed a conceptual and well-developed model, a competency management approach that would improve promotion, development, selection, and reward procedures in order to suit both organisational and individual needs. |
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