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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to investigate the implementation of project-based learning to enhance
students' skills in the 21st -century. The constructivist perspective was adopted, in which
the study participants immersed themselves in the activity and built new skills in the
MOOC Module. The scope of the study encompassed 196 students was selected from
the Semester One students in Kolej Poly- tech MARA Kuantan. The research
methodologies used to conduct the study were qualitative (questionnaire) and
quantitative (interview and observation). The data were collected, codified, and
analyzed based on the instrument adapted from the work of multiple researchers.
According to the interview and observation findings, PjBL had a beneficial effect on
students. Results from a paired sample t-test analysis indicate that a growing number of
skills in communication skills (t = 60.86), creativity skills (t = 43.00), problem-solving
skills (t = 30.87), and critical thinking skills (t = 67.76), and collaborative skills (t =
2.06) have been developed as a result of the implementation of PjBL via MOOC. The
study results indicated an increase in skills developed following the implementation of
PjBL through MOOC and broadening opportunities for discussion. Results from the
questionnaire distribution, observation, and interviews revealed that the respondents
accepted the project-based learning through MOOC. Using PjBL, through MOOC,
allows students to apply their knowledge to in-depth investigation and documentation
of education, resulting in students taking control of their learning responsibilities. In
this work, significant recommendations were included for educational leaders,
educators, parents, and students to focus on academic achievement especially in
collaborative skills. |
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