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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
The contextual suggestion system is defined as “generating a list of venues for a user, based
on temporal and geographical context as well as traveller’s preferences relating to venues to
be suggested”. A lack of effective methodologies has compromised the accuracy of the
contextual suggestion system in e-tourism. In this regard, the Text Retrieval Conference
(TREC) has been organized yearly to focus not only on the development of information
retrieval systems but also on the approaches leading to the improvement of the systems.
Besides, TREC provides datasets and standard protocols for evaluation to ensure fair
comparisons. In the study, an improved approach based on four main phases has been
proposed for the contextual suggestion system in e-tourism, namely, (i) Dataset Enrichment,
(ii) Profile Enrichment, (iii) User Modelling, and (iv) Ranking Suggestion. The TREC
dataset is used to evaluate the proposed approach. In the Dataset Enrichment’s improvement,
tags prediction, semantic similarity between tags, and correlation between tags are used. The
improvement in Profile Enrichment is based on context processing and relevancy between
the user and venue profiles in the given context. On the other hand, the improvement in User
Modelling is based on content-collaborative filtering and iterative-based approaches. Lastly,
a linear combination of true rocchio and cosine similarity is used to improve Ranking
Suggestion. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated based on TREC’s
standard evaluation protocols consisting of NDCG@5, P@5, and MRR. The experimental
results show an increment of 5% to 12% of accuracy in the proposed approach and the
increment is significantly better than the baseline run. In conclusion, the proposed approach
shows significant improvements consisting of 12.5% in P@5, 4.77% in NDCG@5, and
5.04% in MRR. This study implicates that the use of a contextual-based personalized venue
suggestions system enhances the travel experience of a traveller. |
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