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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Cheng Jiahua (1905-1976), a native of Qianshan, Anhui, graduated from the Department of Economics of Yanjing University. He joined the diplomatic field in his early years and served as the consul of the Republic of China in Indonesia, Samoa and other regions. In 1948, he was sent to British Malaya as the consul of the Republic of China in Malacca (September 1948-1950). After the Kuomintang government moved to Taiwan in 1949, he chose to stay in Malacca. Later he joined the Malayan Chinese Association, taught briefly at Peifeng Middle School, and then served as the principal of Malacca Yumin Middle School (1961-1967). This article attempts to outline his life in Malaya after the closure of the Republic of China consulate in British Malaya in 1949. An effort is made to extract from the unpublished “Sim Mow Yu’s Diaries” to inspect for the contacts between him and Sim Mow Yu. Initially his life in the Malacca Chinese community was quite fruitful, but later as the glamour of an exconsulate slowly disappeared, he spent his later years in loneliness. He was called by the author a “diplomatic remnant” of the Republic of China. When political power changed hand in the Chinese mainland, he chose to emigrate to Malaya, and called it home. He also tried to identify himself as a member of the local community. His life may be regarded as another interesting chapter of the experience of China’s literati who have chosen to emigrate to the South Seas. |
References |
许万忠,<纪念程家骅老师>,<商余版>,《南洋商报》,1987 年3 月3 日。 许文堂,<1949 年中国变动之际外交官员的认同抉择——以驻法国使领人员叛国附逆 案为中心>,收入台湾教授协会编,《中华民国流亡台湾六十年暨战后台湾国际处境》, 台北:台湾教授协会,2010 年4 月,页52-86。 许云樵,<星马设领始末考>, 《星洲日报》,1960 年1 月1 日。 《沈慕羽日记》(未出版) 《南洋商报》、《星洲日报》(不同年份) 程家骅,<古城月报周年纪念>,《古城月报》,第八期,1952 年10 月1 日。 程家骅,<序言>,《1966 年马六甲育民中学高中第10 届毕业纪念刊》,马六甲:育民 国民型中学第10 届高中三毕业纪念刊筹备委员会,1966。
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