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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
Jit Sin Public School was founded in 1918 by the Philomatic Union and Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple of Bukit Mertajam. Both of the orga nisations became t he school board committee which gathered an intertwined network of commerce, temples, politics, and education to gain a foothold in the port. After the dissolution of the Philomatic Union and Kuomintang in 1925, Jit Sin Public School beca me an important reform organization in the city, and the school board committee became an area where various groups competed for power, as illustrated by two disputes over the election of a school board committee. The first election dis pute occurred in 193 8 when the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple was responsible for funding the construction of Jit Sin Public School, leading to a controversy over whether the Hock Teik Cheng Sim Temple should increase its number of seats on the school board committee. The second election dispute occurred in 1947, when Huang again manipulated the election, prompting protests from leftist school board members. The issue of disputes over the powers of the Nanyang Overseas Chinese School Board Committee has been heard from time to time, however far too little discussion has been paid to the topic. This paper will examine the establishment of the leadership of the school board committee and the disputes over the powers of the school board committee which were occurred in 1938 and 1947. |
References |
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