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Abstract : Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris |
This study aimed to identify the influence of rainfall, air temperature, physical and
chemical water profiles on cyanobacteria biovolume in Slim River Lake, Perak,
Peninsular Malaysia. Water samples were collected twice per month for 12 months in five
sampling stations (S1-S5) to represent the lake’s overall condition. Samplings were
consistently conducted at the same time in the morning to reduce the influence of
surrounding air temperature variations. The physical, chemical, and biological parameters
were analysed according to American Public Health Association (APHA) standard
methods. Rainfall and air temperature data were obtained from the Malaysian
Meteorological Department. Data were successfully collected and the results indicated
that Slim River Lake's physical, chemical, and biological water profiles were highly
variable on a temporal scale. Total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand,
chlorophyll-a and biovolumes of Microcystis spp. were recorded as 0.20-1.96 mg/L, 1.0-
4.2 mg/L, 9.50-82.0 mg/L, 2.08-132.05 μg/L, 6.13×106- 1.65×108 μm3 /mL, respectively.
These parameters were recorded at levels exceeding the recommended limit values by
National Lake Water Quality Criteria and Standards (NLWQS). Temporal fluctuations in
physical, chemical, and biological profiles cannot be generalized into similar patterns.
Rainfall and air temperature ranged as 36.3-642.5mm and 30.71-35.0oC, respectively.
Rainfall and air temperature explained up to 72.3% and 77.3% variation in lake water
quality. Multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggested that 71.5% of
chlorophyll-a variation and 70.2% of Microcystis spp. biovolumes variation can be
explained by changes in rainfall, air temperature, physical and chemical water parameters.
In conclusion, this study successfully showed that the physical, chemical and biological
profiles in the Slim River Lake are variable and influenced by the variability of local
rainfall and air temperature. Moreover, parameters included in the PCA analysis can
largely explain temporal changes of cyanobacteria biovolume. In implication, the study
outputs are useful for lake quality assessment and rehabilitation strategy formulation to
mitigate the impact of changes in physical, chemical and biological profiles. |
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